The Polymath Principle


The polymath aspect of productive presenters

by Peter Watts

The more skills we add to our range, the more powerful our presence on stage:

  • Dance and exercise improve posture
  • Singing strengthens the voice
  • Painting or photography boost visual awareness
  • Working crossword puzzles or playing scrabble can stretch the vocabulary
  • Reading builds command of language

The more that we stretch our horizons, the more these skills add invisible strokes of accomplishment to public speaking.

While learning keeps the mind agile, it is variety that keeps it interested. Our brains are like our stomachs; they become easily bored when presented by the same flavors daily, and appetite shuts down. Instead, as any good restaurant knows, nothing gets the juices flowing quite like a well stocked buffet.

Our minds stay at their freshest when presented with an array of stimuli, and the same is absolutely true for the minds of audiences as well.

What new skills could you blend into your polymath presence this year?

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